Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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224 lines
This is TeX, C Version 3.0 (format=plain 90.11.10) 16 NOV 1990 18:26
**&tex fontbl
Type a valid font name, or type END to quit :
Scaled to what magstep? (half, or 0..5):
Graphing font pnb10 [1] Type a valid font name, or type END to quit :
Scaled to what magstep? (half, or 0..5):
Graphing font pnr10 [2] Type a valid font name, or type END to quit :
Scaled to what magstep? (half, or 0..5):
Graphing font pnsl10 [3] Type a valid font name, or type END to quit :
Scaled to what magstep? (half, or 0..5):
Graphing font pnss10 [4] Type a valid font name, or type END to quit :
Scaled to what magstep? (half, or 0..5):
Graphing font pnssb10 [5] Type a valid font name, or type END to quit :
Scaled to what magstep? (half, or 0..5):
Graphing font pnssi10 [6] Type a valid font name, or type END to quit :
Scaled to what magstep? (half, or 0..5):
Graphing font pntt9
Overfull \hbox (2.18416pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
[]\tablefont The de-sign of low-resolution type-faces is com-pli-cated by the n
eed to|
.\tablefont T
.\tablefont h
.\tablefont e
.\glue 5.78159
Overfull \hbox (16.87363pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont achieve two dif-fer-ent and rather in-com-pat-i-ble ends. A font whi
ch is ex-clu-|
.\tablefont a
.\tablefont c
.\tablefont h
.\tablefont i
.\tablefont e
Overfull \hbox (16.87366pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont sively in-tended for Of-fice Au-toma-tion equip-ment should be de-si
gned to make|
.\tablefont s
.\tablefont i
.\tablefont v
.\tablefont e
.\tablefont l
Overfull \hbox (5.31046pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont the very best use of that en-vi-ron-ment. Its pro-por-tions, bal-anc
e, shad-ing|
.\tablefont t
.\tablefont h
.\tablefont e
.\glue 5.78159
.\tablefont v
Overfull \hbox (22.65518pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont and letter-spacing can and in-deed must be fit-ted to ex-act pixel-b
.\tablefont a
.\tablefont n
.\tablefont d
.\glue 5.78159
.\tablefont l
Overfull \hbox (19.52892pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
[]\tablefont A low-resolution font which was cre-ated pri-mar-ily as the proof-
copy im-|
.\tablefont A
.\glue 5.78159
.\tablefont l
.\tablefont o
Overfull \hbox (11.0921pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont i-ta-tion of an as-so-ci-ated high-resolu-tion font will never be qu
ite so pre-|
.\tablefont i
..\tablefont -
.\tablefont t
.\tablefont a
..\tablefont -
Overfull \hbox (16.87373pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont cisely matched to its en-vi-ron-ment. Its con-tours will nec-es-sar-
ily be de-ter-|
.\tablefont c
.\tablefont i
.\tablefont s
.\tablefont e
.\tablefont l
Overfull \hbox (16.87363pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont mined by ex-act pixel-boundaries, but of-ten not in the way we might
.\tablefont m
.\tablefont i
.\tablefont n
.\tablefont e
.\tablefont d
Overfull \hbox (11.09201pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont It need not be sloppy, but it can never be so well tuned as a font o
f the|
.\tablefont I
.\tablefont t
.\glue 5.78159
.\tablefont n
.\tablefont e
Overfull \hbox (11.092pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont first va-ri-ety. It is a poor Pla-tonic re-flec-tion of an idea that
can-not be|
.\tablefont f
.\tablefont i
.\tablefont r
.\tablefont s
.\tablefont t
Overfull \hbox (5.3105pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont fully known ex-cept in the daz-zling light of high-resolution type-s
.\tablefont f
.\tablefont u
.\tablefont l
.\tablefont l
.\tablefont y
Overfull \hbox (22.65526pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont The vast ma-jor-ity of fonts pro-duced with META-FONT be-long to thi
s sec-ond va-|
.\tablefont T
.\tablefont h
.\tablefont e
.\glue 5.78159
.\tablefont v
Overfull \hbox (22.65529pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 172--172
\tablefont ri-ety. A low-resolution META-FONT char-ac-ter should be judged for
what it is,|
.\tablefont r
.\tablefont i
..\tablefont -
.\tablefont e
.\tablefont t
[7] Type a valid font name, or type END to quit :
Output written on fontbl.dvi (7 pages, 58500 bytes).